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letzte Aktualisierung: 25.06.2001

#410 Akte Ex [The Ex-Files]

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"A heart will never be practical until it can be made unbreakable." -- Wizard of Ozism

It's the triple date from hell: John and Melanie, Ling and Richard, and Ling's ex-fiancé, Randy, and his new fiancée, Lisa. Let the rude dinner banter begin! Ling talks smack about Mel's ticks. Richard unleashes jealous jibes at Randy. Who needs dessert when there's live entertainment?

Ally is rightfully concerned when Jamie, Larry's pesky ex-wife, resurfaces to wreak havoc. Jamie wants to move to Canada, which gets Larry's knickers in a twist since it involves dragging his son to another country. Ally leaves them to hash out the details and heads straight to Renee's office to vent. Why is this woman back? Why can't she leave Larry alone? Why does she have to look like Famke Janssen? Renee shoves a pencil in Ally's mouth and tells her to tough it out.

Elsewhere, the repercussions of dinner are coming on like a bad case of indigestion. John berates Richard for his boorish behavior and Lisa confronts Ling about Randy. She thinks Randy may still be in love with Ling and wants to know if Ling feels the same way. Ling says no…but you never know with Ling.

John goes to visit Mel at the grade school where she teaches kindergarten. She's also an author of children's books and is reading one to the class. When Mel is called out by the school's new director (Mel backed over the last director, remember?), John is left with a room full of expectant 6-year-olds. Naturally, he gets in a fight with one outspoken child who calls him a "boring little man." He terrorizes the group with tales of children who get their toes snipped off when they misbehave. Mel returns to the frightened group to announce that she's just been fired. The school thinks Mel scares the kids with her "children's" stories. Mel thinks the real issue is her Tourette's syndrome. Later, a judge thinks Mel and the school should work it out on their own.

Then, who should show up in Ling's office but lovestruck Randy. He tells Ling that he loves Lisa with all his heart, but, alas, she's not the girl of his dreams. Is there any chance he and Ling could be together? Ling tells him there's nothing she enjoys more than coming between a happy couple…but no, there's no chance.

Speaking of ripping happy couples apart, Ally now has a fistful of pencils in her mouth and still can't shake the "weird vibe" she's getting about Larry and Jamie. Sure enough, over in Larry's office, his tête-à-tête with Jamie leads to a lip-to-lip. But while Larry admits their sexual chemistry, he tells Jamie that Ally is the one he loves. He bolts to Ally's office where he confesses the kiss to Ally. She is mad, hurt, disappointed and asks him to leave. How can he leave when the entire office is leaning up against Ally's door? Ally climbs over the eavesdropping heap and runs off.

Mel tells John that she wants to fight the school rather than jeopardize her writing career. He's not sure why she was willing to face jail time a week ago, but now she doesn't want to ruin her future. She admits that a week ago she didn't think she had a future worth fighting for. (Insert mushy goo-goo eyes here.) Back in court, despite one kid's testimony that Mel is a "goblin," the judge is convinced that Mel is harmless and overturns her discharge.

Meanwhile, Ling is confessing to Nelle that she still does think Randy's a great guy, but she knows they wouldn't work together. Ling also reassures an anxious Lisa that Randy loves Lisa more than he's ever loved anyone, including Ling. The wedding is on!

At home, Ally watches Fatal Attraction and roots for Glenn Close until Renee shuts off the set and announces Larry's presence. They argue over Jamie and about the kiss. Larry thinks love fixes everything, but Ally's not convinced. Their love won't erase the connection between Jamie and Larry. But Larry's outpouring of emotion and utter worship of Ally sure makes Ally hurt less. And the song he wrote her is pretty cool too. He sings. She melts. They make love. All seems right with the world.

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